So today was a beach day and I found out this morning that the train to Saigon is full tomorrow so I have an extra day here in Hoi An. I've been looking at extra touristo activities to keep myself occupied, I could go to Cham Island and snorkel or My Son to look at ancient temples. Y'know what? I think I'll have an extra beach day with snoozing and bookage. Hoi An has persuaded me to slow down and relax a while. I have seen and done some truly amazing things but if I carry on at this pace they'll be flying me home in a box and Adilady really will be over and out.
So I took a free bike from the hotel and peddled off to the nearest beach, a mere 2km away.
I found a nice secluded spot so had to take this photo of me myself:(
The jaunt to the seaside passed through some rural areas. I liked the yolkish yellow of this recently harvested corn.
So I was back to the hotel early evening to meet Hardy for dinner at 7. As I said in last bloggingtons, slinky frock was left in the wardrobe. What can I say about Hardy? Well he looks good, keeps in shape and wears nice clothes. He has his own ICT/L and M consultancy business and I think my first assessment regarding him being minted was an accurate one. He tells me he is a philanthropist and gives money to worthy causes, a sure sign of being wedged. I wonder if he would consider investing in my professional bloggage career or amazing shoe collection lol.
He is divorced and has a ten year old son. Reading between the lines I think he was too busy at work and his wife played away. He said 'she thought he should be responsible for her happiness' and that he could 'forgive but not forget' so the marriage ended. He seems a grown up though, he and wifey are still friends after a messy divorce trying to sort out the dosh aspect. He appreciates that good people do bad things when unhappy or under duress.
Back to that age old adage of 'forgiving but not forgetting', am I being obtuse or can you not have one without the other? If a person can't forget and move on then a seed of bitterness and resentment could always lurk no matter how dormant and will probably pop up years later to bite you both on the arse...
So we swapped divorce stories but I kept mine brief.
Again, reading between the lines I think Hardy has been quite materialistic but has started to wonder WTF is it all about. He has been to Nepal for relaxation and yoga and is off to Egypt to spend 10 days alone in the desert John the Baptist styley (although JB was hardcore and did 40). I'm like, why would anybody want to do that??!! Hardy's answer, 'to be alone with my thoughts and to find myself.' What ever floats your boat Hardy my man but it's definitely NOT for this Adilady.
So during the evening Hardy says, 'how weird, I've just had deja vu and feel like I have known you from somewhere before.' I'm thinking total line baby and come out with some banal comment about deja vu being caused by a misfiring synapse in the brain lol.
So a pleasant evening but me and this guy are poles apart. He doesn't drink (I am half fish) and is profoundly spiritual (I'm as shallow as a saucer). I can't imagine him getting drunk, farting in bed or poking fun at himself. Still I can see he is a decent, intelligent guy and I did enjoy his company. We are doing dinner again tonight and I might dust off that slinky frock... Have 20 minutes to get ready, Adilady over and out xxx
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