Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Adilady, Monkeylady

Short bloggingtons today as I have found some friends to hang out with, hurrah for me!
Today was an early start for a full day of kayaking and rock climbing. The kayaking was very leisurely and consisted of meandering from secluded bay to secluded bay stopping off for the odd swimmington, or in my case paddlington.

The scenery was stunning spoilt only by the icebergesque, polystyrene blocks floating around. WTF!!! It's that litter thing again...

We kayaked in pairs. I shared with Hannah, a clinical psychologist from Dundee.

There were 4 of us in total. From left to right:
Hannah, Adilady, Nick the instructor, Harriet a lawyer in London and Justine who does something clever with maths. Nick likes this photo, it makes him feel like our pimp lol.

The afternoon was rock climbing with just Hannah and myself and our instructor Sarah. My legs are still a bit sore after Mt Fansipan so I thought I may struggle.

Anyway I completed all 3 climbs which is what made Adilady over the moon with happiness today. Sarah said she couldn't believe I was a novice and bought me a beer to celebrate, hurrah for me again! Hannah commented on my huge bollocks, metaphorically speaking. I did find it tough but got all determined, my legs are battered, bruised and cut to shreds. Unfortunately for me I am told that men are not evolutionary programmed to be attracted to ballsy birds, maybe that's my downfall:(  Still I'm gonna join a climbing group when I get back, I think I have the bug.

Anyway shower time for me then off out for some beeros and good company. Skypage will have to wait until I am once again lonesome. Love to you all, Adilady over and out xxxx


  1. Hi really enjoying your blog, especially photo's of Hmong folks, the lady with the green hat! Enjoy and much love, Rx

  2. Glad I'm keeping you entertained. Do you mean the one who looks like Granny Sedgwick without her teeth in?
