Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Tardis

At 8 am this morning I boarded a minibus to Kratie (pronounced kra-cheh) and discovered The Tardis is no longer a work of fiction, Joe normal in Cambodia has discovered the scientific concept using the humble minibus as a prototype. From the outside it looks like a normal 12 seater, but once your'e in there the space time continuum is infinite. Or so they would have you believe but I beg to differ. I spent 4 hours crammed in there with 25 other human beings! It was the most uncomfortable trip ever and not eased by the fanny bashing I had received the day before and total lack of sleep. Note to readers I am 6 hours ahead, please no Skypage at 4am. Sleep was impossible to find after rude awakenings due to cockerdoodledoos and barkingtons until 7am. So no catch up on kippage en route, at one point I think I had at least two and a half children shoved on my lap!

I planned to stay 4 days in Kratie but now I'm here that is way too much. I did the town in 30 minutes, there is a market and a temple, c'est tout. I have booked a 2 day tour with homestay to get to see the area and then I'll have 4 whole days to kill before flying back to Bangkok to meet Kate. I could do another town but y'know what? I'm seriously considering doing a bit of luxury in the capital. After all this excitement all Adi lady wants is a big ol' bubble bath and a spot of pampering...

So nothing to report but I did take some photos when I was out and about which I am happy to share.

The market

Apparently much of the architecture is French colonial...

I love this photo, his face tells a thousand tales. I had to walk around the block three times to get it! The market sellers thought I was doolally and kept waving and laughing...

Off for dinner at the one place recommended by LP. Its pissing it down with rain, my joke about bringing it with me was totally wasted on Lee the proprietor at the Silver Dolphin. Cold shower, scabby sheets but fabulous WiFi connection. Bring on the pampering, Adi lady over and out xxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Will try to Skype today. Probably afternoon your time xx

  2. Great word doolally.

  3. this is a good word too
