A bit of a none day really, firstly a trip to the Post Office went horribly wrong. Being the scatty bird that I am I went totally off the beaten track into the real Phnom Penh and away from tuc-tuc touristville. Obviously I stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb and the people seemed genuinely concerned. 'Hey nice lady where you go?' Not understanding the English for Post Office they kinda lost interest and left me to it. I took a few sneaky pics...
A stall where locals buy their clothes. It's hard to see but below the shirts are masses of shoes. Behind the stall is a big garage space full of plastic bags of second hand stuff and kids furiously pairing shoes and sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Never did find that Post Office...
Phnom Penh is a port on the Tonle Sap River, it is a working river with the colour, smell and probably taste of shit soup. Tourists pay 10 dollars a pop for cruises, why on God's earth would you???
Phnom Penh is not picturesque but I think it has got to be one of the best cities ever, the people make it. They are so noble, laid back and friendly, always smiling and have great teeth. I pay over the odds for every tuc-tuc ride just because the driver makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and flashes me his best beamer. I flash one back, we compliment each other on our perfect smiles, I pay double, everybody's happy, they sure see me coming :D
I saw a great spectacle yesterday and wished I'd had my camera, hundreds of Cambodians doing outdoor aerobics following SE Asia's equivalent to Mr Motivator; most of the women were wearing flowery pyjamas. I use the term aerobic loosely as it wasn't very high impact and most people were ready for bed. Guess when you live inside a fanny its best to keep the sweating down to a minimum to avoid mouldy meat pie, salty Bovril gravy stench lol.
I've taken a few photos along the street where I stayed but nothing special, happy to do sharingtons though...
The Cambodia Vietnam Friendship Monument
Sleeping tuc-tuc driver and drivers playing cards whilst waiting for pick ups
There are palaces and temples to see but y'know what? I'm kinda all templed out... I did go to the Russian market though and even tried to haggle! Which I'm shit at by the way but it doesn't seem to come naturally to the Cambodians either. They are very genteel but seem to wear an expression that says 'look lady (Adi), I've told you the price so do you want it or not...'
Tailors working in the market.
Dined alone tonight, Ella has gone to Vietnam. I'm loving the Khymer food and was even considering doing a cookery course. Who am I kidding? Adi lady? Cooking? They don't call me the one pot wonder for nothing.
For the second night in a row hoards of young Cambodians took to the streets on their motos in support of the opposition party, waving flags, beeping horns and shouting things I don't understand. Looks like election fever is really hotting up...
Off to Mondulkiri tomorrow to the land of lush, emerald forest and cascading waterfalls, can't wait... Will report next from there after my rickety, 8 hours bus trip. Love you all, now off to bed. Adi lady over and out xxx
Hi sweetheart enjoying you're blog. The killing Fields brought a tear to my eye(so did the film. Can't believe the bastards got away with it. Shame about your photies but I reckon you'll have a skip full by the time your adventure ends. Glad you met someone nice. The first of many I'm sure. Jungles and waterfalls sound amazing! Enjoy and we miss you too. Rx
ReplyDeletePS It's actually hot and sunny here! Quelle surprise!
Hi Adi
ReplyDeleteI have managed to Access your blog and I'm SO thrilled. Glad you met a nice lady friend albeit for a short time. You got Dave into trouble with B and M putting that he said it's like living in a fanny in SE Asia, they told me that all that Dave does is put rude things on you blog, totally unfair I think. I am very enjoying the pics and the commentaries. Hope that you have managed to get a good kip. Take care all my love Ellie.
PS we are sweltering here in Seg. 38 degrees, and Sam is doing a football camp in the mornings, he looks like a sweaty tomato when I pick him up. Left Lili yesterday on a week long residential summer camp, she was a bit tearful but it'll be grand. Big kisses XXXXXXX