Sunday, 14 July 2013

Forest and Falls

Well my two day trek in the jungle with homestay in the Bunong village has turned into a two day trek with homestay in Adi lady's upgraded room with hot shower, air con and WiFi. I don't mind telling you I'm secretly jumping for joy. After a day running around the jungle sweating my tittingtons off I really need my creature comforts right now. If I'd gone for the village option I would have been on my lonesome eating scraggend soup, no other tourists were even considering it...

I've really loved today, spent 8 hours in the jungle with 2 French girls who have been travelling for 9 months and Teah  as our guide.  Teah knows all about the Bunong  way of life and how they use the resources in the jungle as well as being knowledgeable about the flora, fauna and wildlife. I guess this bloggington will be mainly pictures...

The jungle...

My companions, Laure, Teah and Elody...

Adi lady swimming in a waterfall.

Pictures of plants and insects, I particularly like the fungi. We did see a monkey, a civet and a wild boar but they scarpered before I could snap them... Oh well.

At the end of our 8 hour trek we finished in a Bunong  village, I was expecting to stay but they loaded me back on the bus with the French folk. When I arrived back into town they were gonna take me back but I decided showering and naked blogging was far more preferable lol. I did take some snaps, I particularly like 'pig with a moto'. 

Tomorrow I do the second day of the trek which involves following the elephants, hurrah!

Last thing from me before lights out are Teah's thoughts on missionaries and the NGO. He's pissed off with the Christian missions coming into his school and trying to convert his students, either they have funds to support education or they don't. Conversion shouldn't be a prerequisite to receiving bursaries (I tend to agree). The NGO sound like a bunch of numpties. They spent loads of dollar teaching the girls in Teah's school how to weave traditional Cambodian scarves to sell to the tourists; they had already learnt how to do it in their villages when they were little kids! The NGO lady running the project showed up once to take pictures for her report, she probably concluded it was a rip roaring success. Nobody from the NGO has even asked the people what they need or want, the waste and inefficiency is staggering. 
Anyway goodnight possums, I'm off to sleepsville. This is Adi lady saying lights out and over and out...

PS, I really like this photo.

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