Not much to report as I have been chilling with me mate Kate since Tuesday.
We met up in Bangkok Tuesday night, it had been Kate's birthday the day before and our honoured tradition is no gifts but none birthday girl has to buy birthday girl dinner; cost me 6 quid- result. No boozage allowed due to 'some stupid Buddha thing' as our waiter put it.
Wednesday morning we headed to the idyllic island paradise of Koh Sumui; took a taxi, plane, bus, ferry and minibus, an epic journey indeed.
We stayed in South Lumai Beach, which I have renamed Sleepsville due to the lack of personages out and about after 9pm. We got all dollied up on our first night, with only ourselves to appreciate the effort. Still I can show you the pics, Kate says a backpacker in Valentino is a complete oxymoron, but it is indeed a fact lol, check me out...
Check Kate out...
We discovered a fantastic restaurant called Choochat, run by a husband and wife duo. The food was cooked from fresh and in front of our eyes. The fishcakes were to die for and we had two helpings.
Day 2 was a snorkel boat to Koh Tao. The world and his wife had decided on a trip to Koh Tao that day so we were herded, stamped, assigned numbers and rounded up to board our particular speed boat; ours was number 10. A very bumpy ride indeed.
Waiting for our taxi...
Views of Koh Tao, the coastline is breathtaking. As an aquaphobic none swimmer I am indeed a virgin snorkeller but the addition of a floating jacket meant I was prepared to venture in. I'm so glad I did, it's like an alien landscape down there, the topography of the corals forming mini underwater turrets and temples inhabited by floating angels of every shape, size and hue. I wish I could have taken some photos as my words are alas an inept description...
Then we were off to Koh Nung Yuan for more snorkelling and beach lolling, an opportunity to take some bikini shots to remind us when we're old and grey that we once had it going on lol.
Me trying to rival Kate's cleavage, no chance!
Then it was off for the 30 minute clamber to the viewpoint to take a scenic shot or two. I have come to the conclusion on this trip dear readers that I am indeed half woman, half goat. I am absolutely staggered by the inability of mere mortals (especially the female of the species) to navigate anything remotely steep; and that includes a simple staircase. I have seen women at Angkor Wat clinging to bannisters frozen in fear whilst their husbands talk them through every step. At the top of this particular viewpoint was a bit of a scramble which caused chaos, panic and gridlock. I think maybe its a vertigo thing and noticed that when I was talking Kate down she struggled judging how far away her feet were from the ground. Needless to say I was a supportive and sensitive friend (not!) Kinda legged it up there without much thought so sorry about that K.
Here is the view.
We both got tres frazzed and I was wearing factor 50! I am now officially the stripiest Adilady on the planet. Last photo is of my stripy feet but it doesn't show the full extent of my new look.
The evening saw us out on the town in Sleepsville, where we had to make our own party as everybody else had retreated to their cave. I don't mind telling you I got a bit pissed but Kate, bless her cottons got totally wankered. She drank a double vodka and bicardi breezer for every one of my weedy bottles of beer. By the end of the night she had taken over the bar, sent the old Thai lady to the 7/11 to buy coconut milk and was busy mixing Pine Coladas! This was followed by a game of truth or dare for one (I didn't engage) and Kate streaked outside our bungalow. Jeez man, I had visions of having to bail her out of a Thai gaol the next morning.
Day 3 was spend in the shade watching Kate nurse her hangover. Here are some photos of the beach.
Early night for Adi lady as I'm up at 5.30 am to embark on a 16 hour journey to Chang Mai. Monday is the start of the elephant sanctuary; can't wait... Over and out xxxx