Sunday, 15 December 2013

Raglan and Rafting

Before I get started, a wistful sunset. This was our view the first night spent in camperage; Raglan Beach.

 I never really new Gareth Edwards when we were growing up in Middleton, a three year age gap always seems massive when one is young. I do remember babysitting for him once and he was a little shitbag lol, glad to see he has grown up into a thoroughly decent human being:D

Kirstypops and I spent a lovely morning with Gareth and his friend Johnny in his beautiful country home near Raglan; check out the photos.

Gareth and his partner Clare (?) are developing their land to grow fruit/veg and keep livestock; I am sooo gonna live with them when Armageddon arrives;)

Gareth and Johnny are musicians and we had interrupted their work schedule but Gareth did play for us and I got to sing-a-long to Wonderwall a la karaoke/Mike Flowers styley. Gareth is working on his second album, please find a link to his website below and have a listen.

Johnny is a bone fide recording artist with albums on i tunes and everything. Gareth said he was real famous in NZ, both guys were really modest about their accomplishments and talent. Below is a YouTube link to Johnny (Matteson) performing. Sorry guys, Luddite Adilady here again but if you put his name into a YouTube search he comes up.

After a lunch of freshly laid poached eggs Kirstypops and I set off for Hobbiton but I say Matata, you say.....
KP put the wrong town in the Sat  Nav, doh!!! So instead of ending up in Matamata, home of hobbitses we arrived in Matata right on the east coast ha ha.

So a quick itinery shuffle was needed. It was late when we arrived so we went to a campsite in Whakatene and Adilady threw a grump attack because it was 15 bucks each and 50 cents extra for a shower, that's a whole 25 British pence!!!

The morning was spent checking out the town. In the afternoon we booked onto white water rafting on the Kaituna River with the famed 7 metre drop. Our guide was called Stevie and we thought he was fabuloso. He got us team building Maori styley and persuaded us to swim the rapids. I don't mind telling you I was way outside my comfort zonage, I thought I might drown on the rapid swim but after the event the main feeling was exhilaration. The river was also truly beautiful so I bought the photos to share with you.

I have sooo much more to tell you but WiFi is sooo scarce here it is difficult to keep up with bloggingtons. We are off to Wellington today where I will spend a few hours catching up in the library  whilst Kirstypops explores the town. Future installments include the geothermal village and the magical Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Lots of love from NZ, Adilady over and out xxxx.

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